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Explore you passion and learn about the areas that interest you most, whether you are doing it for a hobby or it is going to be part of your professional certifications, these specialty courses are fun and rewarding


Open Water Diver and 2 Specialties

3 days - 3 courses We all know how important it is to protect the environment, especially now that climate change is a reality. As a PADI Eco Center, we are proud to promote ocean conservation programs that involve you, the diver, in supporting the whole world dive community in protecting the ocean! By choosing this line of courses, you’ll learn how to be a responsible diver and have as little impact as possible while diving. You’ll learn techniques and procedures to organize a reef cleaning, and you’ll be involved in coral and fish surveys.
SAVE $ 221
3 Courses Only $ 863

Open Water Diver and 1 Specialty

3 days - 2 courses and a visit to our Shark Observation Adventure Dive Site Pocna Dive Center’s commitment to conservation activity made it possible to create this product line dedicated to sharks’ conservation activities. Support us protecting the kings of the ocean by learning why they’re so important for the ocean ecosystem, what puts them in danger, and what we can do to protect them.
SAVE $ 78
2 Courses Only $ 705

Open Water Diver and 2 Specialties

3 days - 6 dives and 3 courses Besides the basic beginner’s skills, you’ll get extra buoyancy training with the Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Diver Course, and you’ll be introduced to the use of gas mixes through the Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty Diver Course. 6 dives over three days of pure fun and adventure.
SAVE $ 101
3 Courses Only $ 930
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